Long-billed Thrasher © Robert Royse

Professional Birding Guides

Texas Birding Guides is dedicated to helping you follow your passions—whether it’s discovering amazing birds, capturing that perfect photo, exploring beautiful places, or simply embracing your love of nature. Our expert guides specialize in creating personalized birding experiences tailored to your specific interests and skill level. Our unique approach combines the invaluable knowledge of local guides with the dedicated customer support provided by our administrative team. With a focus on flexibility and progressive client-centric policies regarding reservations, payments, and cancellations, we strive to create a smooth and unforgettable experience for you. We can’t wait to share our passion for Texas’s birds with you!

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Kadynn Hatfield – Guide

Now 22 years old, Kaydnn has endeavored to see birds across the continent; on their breeding territories, en route in migration, and on their wintering grounds. His travels in pursuit of birds have taken him from east to west across North America and as far south as Belize. Kadynn calls Arizona home but he has been enamored with Texas since his first visit in 2017. In fact, Kadynn would say it is his favorite state to go birding! Kadynn has a deep appreciation of the avian world and he especially loves helping others reach their birding goals.

Kadynn is a guide for Texas Birding Guides and Arizona Birding Guides. He is an eBird state reviewer for Iowa, and worked with waterfowl and game birds in captivity for several years. He has volunteered as a hawkwatcher, regularly participates in CBCs and enjoyed a season of guiding for Sandhill Cranes on the Platte River.

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Justin Bosler – Guide

He fondly remembers his first birding trip to the Lower Rio Grande Valley with his twin brother and father over two decades ago. Nowadays, he tries to bird as much as feasibly possible in the Lone Star State and throughout the world (most recently in southwestern India). Perhaps foolishly, he has taken up county and parish listing, between Texas and Louisiana, respectively, which also feeds his desire to learn more about species identification, as well as their status and distribution.

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Cameron Johnson – Guide

Cameron has extensive professional and personal birding experience in Southern California, Southeastern Arizona, and the entirety of Texas. He is particularly fond of and interested in the behavior and ecology of secretive species like rails, trogons, and cuckoos. His favorite aspect of birding is creating and sharing unique, memorable experiences with those around him.

With a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Texas A&M University, Cameron has conducted ornithological fieldwork in Texas, Arizona, California, Florida, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Although he has birding experience across the country, his greatest ambitions remain in Texas, where he is attempting to record as many species as possible within his home state.

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Nick Glover – Guide

Since late 2016, Nick has been working as a Research Specialist supporting population recovery efforts of Black-capped Vireos on Fort Cavazos (née Hood) and has used that convenient central Texas location to bird extensively throughout the state and beyond as much as possible. He is particularly fond of the Trans-Pecos region and enjoys exploring under-birded areas anywhere.

Liam Wolff

Liam Wolff – Guide

Liam now enjoys life in the “Birdiest City in America” (Corpus Christi, Texas) where he spends his free time county birding, chasing neotropical migrants, and sharing the Sparkling City by the Sea with visiting birders. As president of a local conservation non-profit, he also has the opportunity to lead field trips for members of that organization. Liam enjoys traveling internationally too and has a special fondness for the diverse, range-restricted endemic birds of Mexico.

Liam is a researcher at the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies and president of the Audubon Outdoor Club of Corpus Christi. He is an eBird regional reviewer for 19 counties in Georgia and a state hotspot editor for Georgia as well. Liam also serves as a curator on iNaturalist specializing in mosquito taxonomy and an editor for the Birding Hotspots website.

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Stephen Falick – Guide

In the winter of 2018, Stephen began working as a field technician on a project with the Borderlands Research Institute, monitoring wintering grassland birds in the region. He has continued to assist with that project every year since, gaining hands-on experience with some of his favorite birds, such as Baird’s sparrows, grasshopper sparrows, Sprague’s pipits, and chestnut-collared longspurs. In 2020, when traveling for birdwatching became more difficult, Stephen focused more on birding in Brewster County and developed an obsession for it. He set a new Brewster County big year record in 2020 and continued to break records for the next three years, ultimately setting the current record of 287 species of birds seen in Brewster County in 2023.

Outside of local county birding, Stephen enjoys working on his Texas Century Club lists, aiming to see 100 species of birds in 100 Texas counties. He is also fascinated by island endemism and hopes to eventually visit all the islands in the Caribbean in search of endemic birds and reptiles.

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Nolan Walker – Guide

Migration, especially morning flight, but also seawatching, hawkwatching, and listening to nocturnal flight calls are particularly fascinating for Nolan. In his adventures around the county he fell in love with birding in Texas (like so many of us do) and is continuously learning about the rich avian diversity within its bounds. When in the field with clients, Nolan loves nothing more than sharing amazing experiences and seeing the look of joy on their faces when they get a new bird!

Nolan is a guide for Texas Birding Guides and Arizona Birding Guides. He is an eBird reviewer for Graham County in Arizona, helped compile data for various CBCs and spring/fall counts, and regularly leads field trips for birding festivals and other groups.

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David Tonnessen – Guide

David is a guide for Texas Birding Guides and guides through various festivals and events. He serves on the records committee and is an eBird reviewer for the state of Colorado, and helps train the Merlin Sound ID algorithm for Cornell University. He also maintains the “Field Marks” column for the Colorado Birds journal, which discuss es subtle and challenging field identification topics. Currently, he is a graduate student and his broader academic interests include passive acoustic monitoring, evolution, phylogeny, and migration. His bio picture is from the Sierra de Perija, straddling the Columbia-Venezuela border.

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Felipe Guerrero – Owner & Guide

Through years of field work, graduate school, non-profit adventures, and countless birding trips to the most remote and under-birded corners of the Southwest and Northern Mexico, Arizona Birding Tours was born in 2018 followed by Texas Birding Guides in 2023. Felipe love birds and loves sharing the excitement and good times of birding with his clients. Birding with Felipe isn’t just about seeking specialty birds, it’s about celebrating the astonishingly diverse biological treasures we are all so fortunate to be a part of.

Felipe is the founder of Texas Birding Guides and Arizona Birding Guides. He is currently a member of the Arizona Bird Committee, and an eBird reviewer for Yavapai, Navajo, and Apache Counties. In the past he served as Field Expeditions Chair and board member for Arizona Field Ornithologists, as well as board member for Prescott Audubon Society.